Franz Joseph Haydn (31 March 1732 – 31 May 1809) The Seven Last Words of Christ
Introduzione: Adagio – Sonata 1: Largo – Sonata 2: Grave e cantabile – Sonata 3: Grave – Sonata 4: Largo – Sonata 5: Adagio – Sonata 6: Lento – Sonata 7: Largo – Il Terremoto: Presto e con tutta la forza
The third concert in our Festival Musicae Sacrae will be filled with music by Franz Joseph Haydn.
Die sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze (The Seven Last Words of Christ) is an orchestra work, commissioned by the Oratorio de la Santa Cueva (Holy Cave Oratory) in Càdiz, Spain, for the Good Friday service during 1786. Published in 1787, the piece was performed very often in cities such as Paris, Rome, Berlin and Vienna. Haydn then rearranged Die sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze for solo piano, as well as string quartet the same year, and in 1796, for both solo voice, and choir.
The orchestra, previously named Hermes Concentus Musicus, founded in 2004, is comprised of the best Apulian and international musicians, and was recently renamed to Orchestra Filarmonica del Mediterraneo.
The orchestra had many a tournèe with operatic and symphonic productions and have been received with great acclaim, to name a few: Olympic Games in 2004, “Serva Padrona” by Pergolesi at the Dora Stratou Theater in Athens; the Welcoming Concert for the Princes of the House of Savoia in 2005 and invited to perform for the Italian Consulate in Turkey.
The conductor of the orchestra is Maestro Giuseppe Monopoli.
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