Csaba Onczay
Masterclass Application & Biography
The Masterclass will take place from April 29 to May 6 2024 in Trani (Italy, Puglia).
The program for the lessons of the masterclass is free.
The Masterclass is open to cellists of every age and nationality.
– inscription fee: 150 euros
– masterclass tuition fee: 250 euros
– Optional addition to the masterclass, cost for playing as soloist with orchestra: 520 euros
In addition to the masterclass, every student has the possibility to play at the final concerts as soloist with orchestra. The students can choose among various concerti with a similar orchestral instrumentation to Haydn.
The deadline for sending an application to the Masterclass is the 1st of February 2024.
The organization of the Masterclass will give you the possibility to sleep and have full meals at very cheap costs.
– Airport in Bari (40 km far from Trani) and transfer to Trani with train
– Rome airport and train from Roma Termini station to Trani
All the payment fees must be made when you send your application to attend the Masterclass by transfer to this account:
IBAN IT79 C360 9201 6000 9579 9232 960
If the applicant is not admitted to Masterclass the fee will be refunded.
If the application is successful but the student withdraws from the Masterclass, there will be No refund.
For other information, you can call +39 3468296657 or send an e-mail to accademia.filarmonica.med@gmail.com
Csaba Onczay is one of the leading cellists of his generation. He received the Kossuth Prize (1993), the highest award given to any performing artist in all of Hungary. His excellent interpretation of Kodály`s Solosonata op.8., he was awarded the Liszt Prize in Budapest, Hungary (1976), and the Meritorious Artist (1986). He was also awarded the prestigious Bartók-Pásztory Prize in 2004. In 2019 he was presented by the Japanese Government award “Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon“. He is a member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts.
He has won various international prizes. They include: First Prize at the International Pablo Casals Competition in Budapest, Hungary (1973); First Prize at the International Villa Lobos Competition of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1976).
He is Professor Emeritus of Cello at the Liszt University of Music in Budapest, Hungary, where he resides today. He was a Visiting Professor at Freiburg University of Music, at Oberlin Conservatory in OH. From 2006 to 2009 he was a Visiting Professor at the Jacobs School of Music in Indiana University in Bloomington. He is a regular faculty member of the Summer String Academy at the IU Jacobs School of Music. Parallel with his activity of interpreter since 1978, he regularly holds master courses in Hungary, Europa, USA, Japan and Asia.
In addition to numerous concert recordings for radio and television, he has concertos of C.P.E. Bach, Schumann, Lalo, Villa Lobos, Dohnányi and also all the sonatas of Beethoven and all the solo suites of Bach. He is associated with the presentation of several contemporary music (Akutagawa, Gubaidulina, Dutilleux, Landowski, Lutoslawski, Penderecki); many Hungarian composers (Levente Gyöngyösi, Miklós Kocsár, Kamilló Lendvay, Sándor Szokolay) has written and dedicated their works especially for him.
He appears as a soloist in some of the most prestigious concert halls of Europe, America, Korea and Japan. He has amassed outstanding successes with numerous orchestras including the Wiener Symphoniker, the Gewandhaus Orchester Leipzig, the RAI Orchestra as well as many orchestras in the United States.
Mr. Onczay founded an orchestra in Florence, Italy in 2000. He is invited as soloist and chamber music player to many international festivals, including: Pablo Casals Festival Prades; Springfestival Budapest; Beaumaris Festival Gifu; Springfestival Prague. He is the Artistic Director of the Niederstotzingen Musiktage in Germany and of the Summer Courses at the Festetics Castle in Keszthely, Hungary and Bergamo, Italy.
Le Monde reported about him in August 1990:
“More significant was the successful presence of Hungarian cellist Csaba Onczay, with an extraordinary concentration, connected to a sound of “velvet” – disregarding any effects -… vivacious, deep, passionate and sometimes with a “ghostly” character … close to Casals for saying shortly”.
His participation at the Wolf Trap Festival in USA in 1984 was received with great enthusiasm. Musical America reported about him:
“Csaba Onczay brought to life the score’s quick-changing moods and its variety of color, ranging from indomitable of Hungarian dance to lyric folksong and brooding melancholy.”